
Experience the true meaning of pressure!

The Battle of the Bridges has been called “Wile E. Coyote meets Frank Lloyd Wright”. Get the picture? No? Okay I’ll lay it out for you. The Battle of the Bridges is one of the dastardliest challenges ever designed by the minds of the Broadmoor Leadership Center. We’ve applied a huge dose of testosterone and a tsunami of Jolt Cola to design this building challenge to end all building challenges.

Teams are provided with the materials and tools to build a bridge spanning a 2-foot wide river.  What materials, what tools you say? Each team is equipped with a Black & Decker workmate, power drill, saws, screwdrivers, wire rope, worktables, lumber, screws, and other construction items.  Once the design and construction is complete, the bridges, along with a can of soda (cleverly disguised as an atomic fuel cell), are placed in the Atomic Pulverizer; a pneumatic ram, powered wedge robot capable of applying enough force to crush a small tank. The angst of the group, watching the Pulverizer slowly extend its evil looking ram towards its next bridge victim is palpable. The fiendish machine measures the amount of force the bridge supports before the can of soda under the bridge finally explodes all over the blast shields.

Teams must make a myriad of decisions regarding the design of their bridge, location of their support towers and a host of other issues during construction. Scoring is not only based on the pressure the bridge supports but also the width of the span, efficient use of materials and quality of construction.

This is an exercise in collaboration, inventory control, speed, creativity, building skills and many other key challenges found in business situations every single day. The Atomic Pulverizer will teach your team the meaning of PRESSURE!


Price: Prices vary based on group size
Duration: 2 hours

Give us a call at 719.471.6168 or shoot us an email for availability!

Quick Info

  • Level Easy
  • Duration 2 Hours
  • Participants 5-150



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